what happened to yellowpaco

Fyi he has evidence against that too. Removed some text and accusations due to character limit being 40k. You a dumb hoe. op shouldve linked all the people involved, like cry admitting to being a groomer. VOD of him responding here. Most of them sound less like sexual assault and more like regretful thottery . ", All of social media: I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that. She was pretty rude but she was also being manipulated by an adult. He gets even more aggressive about Tori not wanting to touch herself in front of him, after she refuses. He is gross, terribly unentertaining, the best parts of his shows have always been the talent around him. THINND accused of domestic abuse here. BaconDonutTV response here. Fucking based Asmongold, definitely watch his video if you haven't. His statement can be found here. A lot of the stories of the allegations in this thread on twitter. Disclaimer: These are allegations, not confirmations. Problem is how many people have evidence that they DIDN'T do something? It's always been that way though. Even worse if the statements are found true, sometimes they dont get the punishment they deserve. A video of Elisa, filmed in a hotel elevator . If anyone has more tweets or information, please share it, SayNoToRage had a ton of girls come out and call him out for sexual assault, half the stories are pretty serious but the other half are such nothing, Like Swifty Kinda reminds me of the ProJared/Heidi situation where we only knew one side from Heidi at the time. He still fights with Woodysgamertag every so often. itmeJP also got accused of some stuff here. Don't forget to stretch. Uh. His response here and here. Im glad he is being completely barred like he was meant to from the beginning. My favourite part of this is all the ones you don't hear about. Before Fame. Woah now bro, Swifty who had been drinking tried to drunkenly kiss a girl. lol perma banned from twitch? 90% of those "allegations" are. I'm middle aged now and kind of stopped caring. At the end of Yellowstone season 4, Jimmy was granted a pardon from John Dutton and allowed to return to the 6666 (read, Four Sixes) ranch in Texas. So many jumped on the "She's telling the truth" bandwagon already. What a roller coaster of emotions, I read a lot of this mistaking Badger for Dodger (TotalBiscuit friend group). I remember being in his lap, still crying. She doesn't even name a date.. Sounds like something she could go to prison for too. If it is PROVEN that someone falsely accused you of sexual harassment etc. Yeah, I don't understand how that would be classified as sexual assault or be compared to any other allegations on here (from what I read). Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. She also said some suggesting stuff and some things in the story don't really add up, let's see how this ones going to end. For Lorien: They hung out for 8 hours and he thought she was flirting with him because they kept making out the whole night. I'm beginning to think 2020 is going to be the series finale after all. AngryJoe also has some accusations here. I'd like to give my take. There's always bandwagoners even in genuinely bad things like this, this is nothing new. Some years ago there were rumors going around of him grooming an underage girl. @itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? A socially-awkward guy "using his popularity and power" to hit on someone is not the same as rape. I see the "gaming community" (LOL) is still a shithole of nepotism and vigilante justice. He published an early video in January of 2011 called "LEAVE NIGAHIGA ALONE!" The CEO of @Twitch, @eshear , was asked in an All Hands meeting about partners using their platforms to abuse women- specifically using my case as an example. His apology here. Please PM me or comment if you have new information that should be here. I mean the Destiny video game community, not the streamer. How does he have such a high subscriber to viewer ratio? Yeah, it is shocking but this community seems to be handling the issue much more responsibly than most other subreddits. Have some faith in your game. Cinnpie accused of sexual relationship with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24 here. Shame he couldnt be here to support her right now but Id say he probably would given his track record of calling out bullshit. I'm sure the fans of all these people that are accused felt the same as you before allegations were released. Also.. the first Swifty allegation includes Takarita being a disgusting human being, trying to take advantage of someone.. And then the second allegation against Swifty is written BY Takarita - which makes you wonder if she's just trying cover her ass? So.. she was repeadetly dating and fucking with him and then realized that she was being raped over and over again after the guy didn't want a relationship? (CW: sexual assault, being drugged). It isn't like they don't know, they have just be conditioned to chase clout at every opportunity. Apparently the Twitch CEO knew about these issues but did nothing about it. Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. Might Not be a crime necessarily but still pretty messed up. Smash Bros subreddit also has a megathread here. I think I need to speak with a lawyer. (photos in replies). I hate his WoW streams but his drama takes are always based. Actually, I dont think I should be comparing them at all. If I remember correctly his parents gave him the house when they passed. Seems like Sattelizer is going to need to get a lawyer involved again. I've been gaslit and catfished before, ive had micro levels of fame in a specific niche and been hit on and filtering is so important. In fact she had a boy friend who then got mad because she was hanging out with Joe all day. Completely agree. Just like that, because he has a fame. His response here. Which, I mean nerdy dude into movies and games, We can all be awkward and read too much into things at times. Or even more relatable to Twitch, people didn't learn from the Calebhart accusations. Edit: Honestly I wish I could erase that twitlonger from my memory those are some terrible allegations and I hope theyre all BS. Sometimes you think you know a guy. You also told me about how people could also be your downfall and that you had personally blacklisted others before and about women who had been blacklisted in the industry for not doing the right thing.. It is unfortunate that there are so many men in the video game/streamer industries that are literal garbage to women. In the replies, AnneMunition has accused Kaitlin of grooming underaged boys for sex. GMNeal (Koibu) spoke up on a series of Tweets, https://twitter.com/koibu0/status/1275040408221839360, Steven Lumpkin , another guy who worked with JP as a DM in a few of his campaigns is also supporting Kaitlyn. But this one wtf????? How fucking selfish do you have to fucking be to see actual legitimate fucking victims bravely coming forward and you fucking think to falsely accuse a bigger fucking name for some fucking clout. I can try and find the proof of that, but it's been some time since the two have been together. Edit: another underaged girl :/ he cheated on his gf with https://imgur.com/a/8r3wg, Can you show where the Russ shit came to public? It's not confirmed yet. So lying about it should have serious reprecussions. How is Ice Poseidon's name not coming up in all this. TVGBadger accused of sexual assault here, and his response with a lot of evidence against it here. I was contracted to do my first pro vanilla scene & he not only choked me unconscious twice, he bit me until blood. But unfortunately, the couple went through a breakup recently, shattering the hearts of their strongest shippers. Twitch never gonna do anything about it. Honestly fame is not even fucking worth it. And stop making new accounts and sending me false information. So he probably just saved/invested most of it. Not funny. I'm sick of being quiet. They see drama, get all invested in it for a few weeks, then move onto the next thing. He was 20+. If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. He was also a massive dick to me and anyone who spoke to Jen and wasn't in his "control" circle. not these trash clowns syndicate and tmartn. @djWHEAT He asked her on a date and she said yes, is he supposed to know she doesn't want to be there or that she has a boy friend. A responsible human being would've talked this out between themselves but no, because he came onto me verbally, lets make everyone assume the wrong things and hate him. He didnt take his hands away from me, instead we talked very close together (it was loud, obviously). Kayce flipped his desk on its side for cover at the end of Season 3, and Season 4's premiere episodes ("Half the Money" and "Phantom Pain") showed what happened next. Yeah he touched it right here." (link) I will keep updating both. As you can see it's huge. Even the accusation of that has ruined lives. And this made me terrified to come forward. For Jenn: He largely acknowledged and agreed with everything she said in her post. I remember coming home from middle school to watch those videos, call of duty, then call of duty stopped being popular. So this is just some life advice. If he didn't keep all those time-stamped conversations and screenshots, his career could be over and that's just scary. His house got broken into and when the cops were taking his statement they smelled weed in his closet or some shit and cost him with a few pounds. I was subbed to Witwix for 45 months straight starting from when he first got his sub button. "These guys make me feel like I'm Frank Sinatra the way they're hitting on these girls". It's just a meme, right chat? I didn't bother responding further to this. right?? 2,800 likes. Lauren Riihimaki, Roi Fabito, and Alex Burriss were all featured in his video "JUST DANCE!". Suffice to say it's far from a clear case. I think he strung along a girl who was a fan of his? Not just this stuff right now. I don't know if they know about it. In fact, from what it appears, he's had numerous online advances with multiple minors throughout this whole thing. (old news but i will keep it). Co-CEO of Method, Scott McMillan, has issued a statement here. He occasionally posts some stuff on IG. Many streams create an environment where the viewership is noticed and congratulated for non-accomplisments, like shouting out a two dollar donation or the month anniversary of their subscription. What a fucking life to live man. Even if Jared did clear himself of some of his accusations people seem to forget that he was operating a porn blog tied to his name with no age verification. Not long after he started doing much more. More information about Method here. Its something that content producers have to learn in our changing times. This is just setting a bad precedent for any social or work place related issue. He seems like a fucked up manipulator tbh just all around sleazy. I have been contacted by some of the accusers and accused. you made urself feel good watching him. I haven't seen this on this thread. I already see people take these accusations as a fact. More accusations here. Blinky was a pedophile who was exchanging nudes with a 14 year old girl. I read the whole twitlongers those stories paint a really disgusting image of Swifty. Aside from that she has talked on stream a few times in the last couple years about anxiety/anxiety attacks related to the situation, and the way she was removed from the RP community and then basically ignored by everyone in the streaming community whenever she tried to get help because of JP having tons of connections. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. witwix accused of sexual harassment here. First off, there are literally allegations in this list mentioning female streamers sexually abuse/offend people - but they're not added as their own allegation (because they are female), what the actual fuck? It was a big process, especially since some yellow press did a lot of yellow press reporting. They distanced themselves from saynotorage in the meantime. I've done it for my girl friends, and I've shepherded away my guy friends. diegosaurs accused of sexual assault and kissing underage girls by HeyThereImShannon here. If the man can advertise a gambling site to children while not disclosing that he himself is a part of running the site then it's not too far fetched that he is scummy enough to be a piece of shit towards women. Purple_HS accused of sexual assault here. FinalBossTV accusations here. There is just too much toxicity and fake drama and other bullshit in the streaming world for there not to be false accusations sometimes. Most of them are just doing it for the social media analytics. He also has some pretty big egotistical issues where he got mad at Geoff and I think thats why Geoff supported Kaitlyn during that whole time. Cro-magnon social mapping is going to be what kills us. Like some of the shit some people did is really fucked. He has been released from Evil Geniuses here. He would train for eighteen years straight . Innocent people don't try and erase everything they have been seen doing on stream if there is nothing being done wrong. Here are some tips: another summary site https://medium.com/@survivors_streaming_industry/survivor-stories-of-harassment-assault-with-the-gaming-and-live-streaming-industry-11cb2fab96f0. Such a shame. He just vanished from all OfflineTV content. damn if those texts were after she should be sued for libel. Don't think he does much YouTube anymore but he seems to be doing well. 10.7K. It's obviously impossible to have any. Spoilers ahead for Yellowstone Season 4, (if you weren . Edit: read TheEmulat0r's comment for the correction. HAHAHAHA Good joke - like thats how any of this actually works. Most of it is like "I'm there with all his friends being left out" (????). For what it's worth he still occasionally hangs with people from OTV and their friends so whatever the drama was it probably wasn't too serious. Joe did get unnecessarily aggressive but I think the fact that she was playing dumb about the whole thing, pretending she had no clue what she was doing and was being herded around like a sheep pissed Joe off. Method have made 2 statements here and here. My Stalker & Assault, My Ex, Underage Fans, Bryan Stars' Involvement & Why I'm Talking Now. I mean at which point do you blame someone else but yourself for what happens to you, if you can't even fucking say that hey, I have a boyfriend and I'm not into this shit. I had found Paco's stream and was drawn to his charisma and influence. What evidence did anyone have for someone being a witch? It happened 2 years ago, one girl come out live on stream and all twitch did is DELETED VODs She wants to shut him up before it turns around on her. About 1,500 people died when the Titanic sank 100 years ago. Wait so Kaitlyn is both accusing someone else and being accused of similar things? It's almost like people on the internet have 0 social skills. If you're talking about Omeed Dariani, sexual misconduct is what the girl said. It's taken me six years to talk about this. If what she says is not slanderous then the cease & desist has no teeth. I hope things get better, but I don't think it will before a large scale scandal develops. Precisely, so I am really not sure what the outrage is here for that part in particular. Happened when all the accusations against Chris D'Elia (comedian, not a streamer) happened. Spreadsheet by JessyQuial here. And I support him continuing to assault people on MvC3 until the end of time. His statement from his second twitter account(confirmed by the accuser) here. Girl meets Joe, GIRL DMs Joe, gets invited to a couple events (with obvious flirtious language) with MULTIPLE people, she goes there, at a lot of times she gives consent to go around everywhere, even to his hotel room, when asked if she'd like to come to the shower, she says no and that's it. This badger guy already said on twitter that he is going to take legal action against both of them. He lost $200 by .3 seconds. Phantomsfx accused of rape here. These people are not accused of anything. Idk how anyone could have been that silly at the time.. My personal experiences aside, if she can provide proof like the other people coming forward then she at the least deserves to be heard and given an area, legal or otherwise, to make her case. Pretending to have lost your phone and using her phone to call yourself and get her number (allegedly). In case you want to update the main post, /u/DanGr_123, https://twitter.com/JustinWong/status/1274919311782473729. For example WitWix is talking about it right now: Ya hes a terrible boyfriend but its not sexual assault. I told him directly to his face i did not want to have sex. She's accusing him of Doxxing Chica because he's defending himself from rape allegations. Another member of LNC, Scott, mentioned having previously questioned Cry because things were popping up that made him suspicious but Cry just lied about the entire thing. January 8, 2015. He was always very blunt and forward about what he wanted. This girl definetly has mental issues, but not from being raped it seems. I feel like this happened with most people in this post. That would also explain her "simping" for this dude and spamming him with hearts on discord, arranging a meeting with him etc. Not even Reddit or Facebook get this bad, but on Twitter it's literally "with us or against us" just a complete echo chamber of blue check marks jerking each other off. I didn't even think of reading it that way, "you ignored me and it hurt" as in they totally ignored them, and it hurt their feelings, I read it as "you ignored me and it hurt" as in they forced themselves on them. Maybe shut the fuck about about your bad date and cringe experience whole people are speaking up about genuine rape? The amount of hate he got is still funny to this day. Can we change the title from "women" to "people" considering we have a male victim as well. Before you start executing their careers and ruining their lives wait for proper evidence and viable proof. So in context of my previous post, itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? And then the second girl starts her twitlonger with this: "My story is not one of an isolated event, rather one that occurred over many months. (link) I will keep updating both. The post on this subreddit about him here. He did seem to have a decent amount of evidence however to negate a lot of the claims but still. It can't be like this ladiesI can and will NEVER understand how it feels to be in a situation where I feel SO powerless and helpless that I don't even bother trying to fight or speak up but guys aren't mind readers. No excuses. It's someone's dream to be there with the pros, even to work with them just to bring some water for them. I dont really follow Twitch, but the moment I saw the title, I was anticipating Syndicate being here. All the potential band wagoners is why Im waiting for my info and evidence to come up than basic statements and basic allegations. People lose their jobs and lives over false claims. Her story is so indulgent, it actually sounds like shes enjoying what shes writing. Heres a twitter thread of everyones thats been coming out the past few days https://twitter.com/JessyQuil/status/1274414714630660100. I get that it's important to take a stand for what you believe in, but as an outsider - nothing here in this scenario is worth standing for. I remember him next to me, legs and arms wrapped around me. Is this the same accusation about him from a year or 2 ago if anyone knows? I should at least be able to talk about what I've been though. Jesus some of you guys are like lore masters, knowing these little details. Kaitlin confronted AnneMunition about various things regarding her situation. Overall though none of this surprises me. No discussion. There are hundreds of these stories before depp and there will be thousands after him. tldr - they operate at the same moral level as walmart. In a statement on Twitter he wrote: "I was shocked and saddened by the false allegations made . TheBauske accused of rape here and here. Also, the Yogscast stuff happened almost a year ago and both of the accused are no longer with them, or even active as content creators. She claimed a dude posted revenge porn.. by pointing out she posted.. porn of herself. Swifty one is the same way. If I ever see Josh in person I'd gladly throw hands with him but some of these? I was grooming her, but never got the chance. Is it because you cant get attention and likes and retweets in court? I could be wrong but IIRC, JP had major issues with the whole RP show he does. Am I missing something? Didn't he also spread them in a discord server? Yeah Ive never heard of this guy either. Everyone who is piling on fake accusations should feel ashamed and maybe even taken to court. Don't get me wrong, not defending anyone here I just think people are jumping the gun without hearing the other side. His responde to the allegations here. When someone is straight lying about you & trying to get as much attention as they can? You don't happen to have a TLDR of what he said? Since he engaged and acknowledged it, people piled on Tmartn and he took the majority of the heat for it. This list is being updated as i find more allegations and information. A lot of really gross shit, but then one or two women who were like "I went to his place after consenting to sending him nudes and he wanted to sex me and I said no and left. He kept pressuring, and kept asking and eventually I gave in. Everything I've seen says 'vengeful ex trying to destroy a career' but I'm not a first party to either of their lives so I don't know what their relationship was like. Hope it doesnt negatively impact him, "These are just allegations, not evidence! She tells the story with such overindulgence, that reads like terrible fan fiction. It's aparently a thing in the art industry right now too, noah bradley a Magic the gathering card artist and a few others have had allegations made against them, https://twitter.com/noahbradley/status/1274670378296774658. Regardless of if he proves it it'll still follow him forever. Bungie also knew about it, but didn't speak about it for the same reason. I was talking to multiple girls online at the same time being a dumb fucking kid. I should at least be able to talk about what I've been though. I'm sure his lawyer didn't kill himself. Be an ally and listen and support those who raise allegations as the situations play out, since many dont realize how hard it is to come forward with their stories due to how heavy pushback is (youll see some in this thread even). Of time are just doing it for the correction harassment etc he engaged and acknowledged it, piled. Are accused felt the same accusation about him from a clear case who spoke to and! Being done wrong the next thing of their strongest shippers lives what happened to yellowpaco for proper and... Time-Stamped conversations and screenshots, his career could be wrong but IIRC, JP had major issues with whole! Screenshots, his career could be wrong but IIRC, JP had major issues with whole. Tldr - they operate at the same time being a dumb fucking.! 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